About Us

Statement of Purpose

Now it shall come to pass in the latter days
That is the mountain of the Lord’s house
It will be established on the top of the mountains.
And shall be exalted above the hills;
And all nations shall flow to it. Many people will come and say,
“Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
To the house of the God of Jacob:
He will teach us His ways.
And we shall walk in His paths.”
For out of Zion shall go forth the law,
And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. Isaiah 2:2-3

We are an international body of spiritual leaders, fellowships, and congregations united to strategically plan, implement, and execute transformative and generational change, as well as expand the Kingdom of God to all the nations of the world.

GUF is dedicated to becoming a voice, speaking forth the mind and counsel of God. Our purpose is to promote the agenda of God on earth while advancing Kingdom culture. Using our collective influence, wisdom, and resources, we will work to ensure that continuous generations of prophetic voices, change agents, and policymakers rise up in the Kingdom of God to reclaim the seven mountains that shape culture and influence human behavior.

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